
Save the date: 10th and 11th September 2025 at the Festspielhaus in Bregenz

Save your "Basic-Ticket" with our Smart Saver Discount and save 15% with this code: "SMART_SAVER_15" – valid only until April 30, 2025

| Save your "Basic-Ticket" with our Smart Saver Discount and save 15% with this code: "SMART_SAVER_15" – valid only until April 30, 2025

netforum2025 - Pioneers of the digital revolution

Pioneers of the digital revolution

– More than a classic industry meeting

Events since 1997

The netforum bridges the gap between digitalization, business, and politics. We explore the most important data center and technology trends in detail, while also considering the bigger picture – creating the foundation for sustainable, efficient, and future-proof business strategies.

Our promise: Renowned speakers, cutting-edge topics, controversial panel discussions, and valuable networking opportunities.

Our goal: No fluff, no promotional event – we aim to offer our participants real, concrete, and practical value.

Our topics at the netforum2025

Digital transformation, IT and data center innovations, cybersecurity, and business strategies

Smart Energy Bulb

Smart Energy

Digital revolution of the energy transition

Global Power Image

Global power play

The shift of economic dynamics an corporate leadership

Arbeitswelt 4.0

Work 4.0

Artificial intelligence in business practice

Ein kleiner Vorgeschmack auf die Themen, die Sie erwarten werden

  • Energieeffizienz und nachhaltige Rechenzentren:
  • Rechenzentren als Energiequellen: IT-Abwärme effizient nutzen – Eberhard Knödler präsentiert innovative Ansätze zur Nutzung von IT-Abwärme.
  • EIntelligentes Netzwerk- und Infrastrukturmanagement:
  • Intelligentes Netzwerkmanagement: Aktive und passive Infrastruktur ganzheitlich gedacht – Erfahren Sie mehr über ganzheitliche Strategien im Netzwerkmanagement.
  • Künstliche Intelligenz in Geschäftsprozessen:
  • Künstliche Intelligenz im Produktmanagement – Fjodor Lamm beleuchtet den Einsatz von KI im Produktmanagement und zeigt zukünftige Entwicklungen auf.
  • IT-Sicherheit und Resilienz:
  • Expect the (un)expected – IT Business Continuity und Cyber Resilienz – Tilo Steiger gibt Einblicke in die Sicherstellung der Geschäftskontinuität in der IT.
  • Cybersecurity – die neuesten Angriffstrends und wie ich mich davor schütze – Philipp Kalweit informiert über aktuelle Bedrohungen und Schutzmaßnahmen in der Cybersecurity.
  • A selection of our speakers at the netforum2025

    Anna Kopp

    Anna Kopp

    IT Director Microsoft Deutschland

    Philipp Kalweit

    Philipp Kalweit

    CEO, IT security expert & ethical hacker

    Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg

    Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg

    Former Minister of Defence and Economic Affairs

    Dr. Tilo Steiger

    Dr. Tilo Steiger

    Head of Central Storage at ETH Zurich

    Fjodor Lamm

    Fjodor Lamm

    Head of Product Management at Kerpen Datacom

    Thomas Fritz

    Thomas Fritz

    Founder and CEO of Kentix

    Andreas Koeppl

    Andreas Koeppl

    Managing Director of LAN Concept

    Eberhard Knödler

    Eberhard Knödler

    Managing Director BM Green Cooling

    Dr. Axel Koester

    Dr. Axel Koester

    Chief Technologist at IBM

    André Gerlach

    André Gerlach

    Sprecher und Gründungsmitglied der BdNI

    Manfred Patzke

    Manfred Patzke

    Independent Expert

    Yve Fehring

    Yve Fehring

    Journalist and television presenter, moderating netforum 2025

    Staffan Reveman

    Staffan Reveman

    Consultant for energy and location issues, Reveman Energy Academy

    Dipl.-Ing. Yvan Engels

    Dipl.-Ing. Yvan Engels

    Consultant for Information Technology Cabling

    Petra Jenner

    Petra Jenner

    SVP and General Manager EMEA at Splunk

    At a glance

    Exceptional line-up with internationally renowned speakers from business, politics, journalism, and IT

    Three speaker hubs with different thematic focuses and dedicated audience targeting

    Practical and exclusive insights into key data center and technology trends, market developments, and overarching political-economic frameworks

    Innovation fair featuring the latest products and solutions from renowned manufacturers and providers

    Exciting panel discussions on the industry's most pressing questions

    High-profile audience consisting of executives, decision-makers, and tech enthusiasts from all relevant industries

    Spectacular supporting and evening program with various side events and networking opportunities

    Aftershow Party at the beach bar by the festival house in Bregenz for subsequent networking

    Exklusives CEO Gala Dinner with selected participants for networking and personal exchange with experts and potential business partners.

    A sneak preview - Aftermovie of the netforum 2023

    A selection of our sponsors & partners at the netforum2025

    The netforum and its founders

    The dtm group is a second-generation family-owned company that focuses on both research and operational activities related to data centers and data models, as well as blockchain, AI, and their comprehensive impacts on businesses and business models.


    corporate Sites

    from the headquarter in southern Germany and several assembly and project management sites, to the research datacenter in Sweden.



    with a high degree of specialization, such as engineers, architects, developers, project managers, construction supervisors, etc.


    years of experience

    in professional business-IT, craftmanship and high-tech. This includes, among other things, IT infrastructures, digitalization and much more.


    satisfied customers

    from small and large companies in the pharmaceutical industry, mechanical engineering, banking, wholesale and the public sector.

    Save your ticket for the netforum now!